
Digital Marketing For Small Business

Things Need to know for Small Business In Digital Marketing  Some time back people not use mobile, laptop, computer, etc. very much. Business owner are use television, radio. newspaper, magazine, for advertisement of their brands, product, but these things is not affordable for all business.  Small business are unable to spend so much money on advertisement of product and their brand because its so costly.  But today we all are uses smartphone so its a beneficial for small business also for promote their brands. In present time through digital marketing small businesses have best opportunities to promote their business and brand.  Large companies are appoint people and pay him for doing online promotion. But small business owner not update properly they think digital marketing is only print marketing. If owner of small business are doing digital marketing they get best result. But before doing this you need to know full detail about digital marketing. So, lets start ...

How to earn money from You Tube Marketing

  How to earn money from You Tube Hey everyone as we all know something about about You Tube. We all love to make a video share our opinion through our video and most important we love to watch You Tube videos but did you know you can earn money from You Tube through making a videos in You Tube. This is one of the best ways to earn money and also enjoy your work. So, with the help of this blog we all are explain about You Tube Marketing Strategies and how can earn money from You Tube we hope this blog help you to clear your concept and helpful for you so let's start: Some thing about You Tube   Marketing People think You Tube is just a online video platform it just for entertainment but it's not true properly you can also earn money from this. There are countless marketing opportunities on You Tube- especially if your audience is on platform and your competitor aren't.  "You Tube Marketing is the practice of promoting businesses or product on You Tube platform by upl...

What is email marketing and its benefits?

  What is email marketing and its benefits?  In this blog we explain you about email mrketing. We all use email to share document, file to another person but you know we also do a marketing with the help of email. No worries in this blog we explain in detail and try to solve your quarries related to email mrketing.  With the help of email marketing we can earn more profit in direct marketing channel, generate an average return on investment. Email should be a key pillar of your digital marketing strategy. if you not do any email marketing so you like leaving money on table.  So lets start with what is email marketing?  email marketing What is email marketing? Email marketing help you connect your audience and promote your business, brand and increase your sale. You can do lot of thing with the help of your email like sale your product, promote your business, share a news related to your business,  Email Marketing is the act of sending promotional messages t...

What is Search Engine Marketing?

  SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING(SEM) If any time we listen about SEM you are little confuse because in digital markting there are lot of trems that sound similar. So, with the help of this blog we aim to clear your all confusion about SEM(Search Engine Marketing). In this blog we explain in deep about SEM(Search Engine Marketing), So lets start with What is SEM(Search Engine Marketing)?  What is SEM(Search Engine Marketing)? Search Engine Marketing(SEM) is the act as digital marketing strategy to increase the search visibility of a website in search engine results pages (SERPs). In SEM, brands pay for ads to visible as search results on (SERP)Search Engine Result Pages. Paid search ads visible almost every search results page. These are typically located at the top and bottom of the page. They include an "Ad" destignation to let users know that it is a paid placement. Some paid search ads may also appear as products in a featured carousel. Search engine marketing   Why is SEM I...

Meaning of Digital Marketing (basic concept)

What is Digital Marketing?and its types Now a days we all are use mobile phone, active in social media, love to share videos, photos and many things do in our phone we all are more connect to our phone. This is reason in this time large companies invest their money in advertisement on social media and promote their business and generate more audience for their business. So, with the help of this blog we are explain you about digital marketing so let’s start: What is digital marketing? Digital marketing is advertising delivered through digital channels such as online video, display ads, social media post, mobile application, websites or any new digital channel. Digital Marketing often compare to traditional marketing such as, magazine ads, radio, newspaper, T.V. and much more. Digital marketing is any form of marketing product or services that involve electronic device. Digital marketing is also called a online marketing this is use for promotion of brands to connect with their custom...

Affiliate Marketing: Concept for Beginner

 Affiliate Marketing: Concept for Beginner In present time we all are use online shopping but you know what you can also earn money from online shopping website though the affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a process where you can earn money (commission) every time when you promote company’s products or services and change into a sales. affiliate marketing What exactly meaning of Affiliate Marketing? Affiliate marketing is like a advertising modal in which a company give money to third-party publisher to generate traffic or lead to the company’s product and services. And third-party publishers are affiliates, and the commission fee incentives them to find ways to promote the company. In present time Amazon popularized the practice by creating a affiliate marketing program. You can put the link of product in your social media platform and if any person click on those link and make a purchase any product from those company though your link than you get your commission from...

Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing: The common difference

  Digital Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing: The common difference Digital Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing: What is difference between the two? What should be prefer the most? Which one is best? There is lots of question about this topic so this blog for you to make a right decision for marketing. I hope this blog help you and give all answer of your question related to this topic so, lets start traditional marketing vs. digital marketing The main difference between traditional marketing and digital marketing is the medium through which an audience encounters a marketing message. While traditonal marketing use offline media like magazine, radio, newspaper, television etc. and digital marketing uses online media like social media, email, websites, etc . But it doesn't means traditonal marketing are old fashion or not effective for business. Traditional marketing still paly vital role for business it help to connect with local people. As well as digital marketing is also need f...