Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing: The common difference

 Digital Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing: The common difference

Digital Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing: What is difference between the two? What should be prefer the most? Which one is best? There is lots of question about this topic so this blog for you to make a right decision for marketing. I hope this blog help you and give all answer of your question related to this topic so, lets start

traditional marketing vs. digital marketing
traditional marketing vs. digital marketing

The main difference between traditional marketing and digital marketing is the medium through which an audience encounters a marketing message. While traditonal marketing use offline media like magazine, radio, newspaper, television etc. and digital marketing uses online media like social media, email, websites, etc.

But it doesn't means traditonal marketing are old fashion or not effective for business. Traditional marketing still paly vital role for business it help to connect with local people.

As well as digital marketing is also need for all business it is very effective and help to connect more and more people through the social media and reach more audience for our business.

Traditional Marketing

Traditonal marketing refer to a form of promotion without Internet and reaches an audience. Companies use marketing channels such as radio, television, newspaper, print, boardcast, telemarketing and some other way.
Although traditional marketing has been eclipsed by digital marketing in many industries, it is still effective in boosting your brand. In other way says that, traditional marketing present opportunities to reach a large audience in ways that digital marketing cannot. 

traditional marketing
Traditional Marketing

Why Choose Traditonal Marketing?

  • Easy Connectivity with the target audience: Advertisements can be placed on the local news and channels for attract local area and target the prospective customers easily. 

  • Save hard copies: Customers can easily save hard copies of the ads which palced in the newspaper or magazine, and if any one intrested in, so as to refer them when they wish to buy that product or sevices. And also they can also share these copies with their friends and other people.

  • Easily recognizable: People are quite habitual to the conventional ads, as they are being used for a long time and so they understand and recognize it easily.

  • High Reach: Traditonal Marketing channels have a large customer base, and so a single ad can reach millions of customers of the area in just one circulation. 

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing refers to advertising delivered through digital channels such as search engines, website, social media, email, and mobile apps. Using these online media channels, digital marketing is the method by which companies endorse goods, services, and brands.
In morden days most of the companies invest in promotion of their brands, goods, services in social media. Because many times traditional marketing not effective but digital marketing effect easily and reach audience for their business.

digital marketing
digital marketing
Why Choose Digital Marketing?

  • Equla levels the playing field: In digital marketing even the playing field for all, i.e. it provides equal and similar opportunities to all the enterprises. Not difference between multinational corporation or a small company, to attract the targeted customers.

  • Connect with customers with help of powerful content: On the Digital world content is regarded as king, that can influence your audience right away if you have powerful content you can easily connect with customers.

  • Higher revenue generation: When customer engagement and conversion is higher, it will reach higher profit for your business. And so, the businesses can expand in country and outside the country.

  • Increases conversions: The rate of incoming traffic converted into the customers often detemines the success of digital marketing.

  • Creating brand awareness: Digital Marketing help you to creating your brand awareness among customers, by keeping them update about the your new product, offers, discounts, etc.

traditional marketing vs. Digital marketing
traditional marketing vs. digital marketing

List of Comparison between traditonal and digital marketing





Traditional marketing refers where company choose traditional ways for marketing like, Television, newspaper, radio, etc.

Digital Marketing refers to where company choose digital platform for marketing like Social media marketing, websites, etc.






Comparatively fast



Comparatively high

Return on Investment

Cannot be measured easily.

Can be measured easily.

Effectiveness and expensiveness

Less effective more expensive

Less expensive more effective








Delayed results

Quick and real-time results


Consumers cannot skip the ads, as they are bound to see them.

Allows the consumers to avoid or skip the ads which do not interest them.


One-way Communication

Two-way Communication



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