What is Search Engine Marketing?

SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING(SEM) If any time we listen about SEM you are little confuse because in digital markting there are lot of trems that sound similar. So, with the help of this blog we aim to clear your all confusion about SEM(Search Engine Marketing). In this blog we explain in deep about SEM(Search Engine Marketing), So lets start with What is SEM(Search Engine Marketing)? What is SEM(Search Engine Marketing)? Search Engine Marketing(SEM) is the act as digital marketing strategy to increase the search visibility of a website in search engine results pages (SERPs). In SEM, brands pay for ads to visible as search results on (SERP)Search Engine Result Pages. Paid search ads visible almost every search results page. These are typically located at the top and bottom of the page. They include an "Ad" destignation to let users know that it is a paid placement. Some paid search ads may also appear as products in a featured carousel. Search engine marketing Why is SEM I...