
Showing posts from June, 2021

What is Mobile Marketing

  Mo bile Marketing In present time we all use Smartphone, iPhone, Tablets, you know we use our mobile as a earning, promoting of our business. I would tell you that mobile is the future of marketing, but really the era of mobile has already arrived.If you're not implementing some kind of mobile marketing strategy, you're already trailing behind, you know today more user are spending larger amounts of time engaged with mobile device than ever before. We can expect this trend to continue even further in the future, so get ready. If you want know more about these thing so Dizi global solution provide a service anout mobile marketing or a digital marketing. So i hope this information help you to know about mobile marketing in detail so lets start with What is mobile marketing?  What is Mobile Marketing? Mobile Marketing is a set of digital marketing strategies aimed at reaching people on their mobile devices- such as smartphones and tablets. Mobile marketing strategies include...

What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization) ?

  Meaning of SEO When we think about how can we rank our website in google webpage how we improve our website then firstly we know about what is SEO ? and what is the role of SEO in our website? and most important how does SEO work? this three question is very important in the term of making a website and also many question arise in your mind related to the SEO so i blog for you and i hope this blog help you to solve your problem and give you a best answer. Best SEO company in Varanasi where you can learn more about SEO and get more detail about Digital marketing and all other thing related to the Digital world   is Diziglobal solutition . SEO(search engine optimization) So hear is a answer of all question related to SEO problems. What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization) ? SEO Stands for " search engine optimization ." In simple terms SEO is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines. SEO targets unpaid...

Meaning of Content Marketing

  Content Marketing If we think about Content marketing than we are confuse what is this, somewhere we all known about this but not properly and not use this concept in our business properly. With the help of this blog I can explain about Content Marketing and how to use this concept in our business, website and much more. I hope this post help you to increase your knowledge.   What is content Marketing? "Content marketing is a strategic marketing  approach focused on creating and distributing valuable,  relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain  a clearly defined audience – and ultimately, to drive profitable customer action." Content marketing can help you attract leads, win more sales, and grow your business. You need to know the basics that make content marketing work and the best practices that will set you apart from the competition. And then you have to learn how to create and promote awesome, useful, information, educational, and ins...

How to download aadhar card

    How to Download Aadhar Card l आधार कार्ड कैसे  डाउनलोड करे ? आधार कार्ड डाउनलोड करने के लिए सबसे पहले आपको   आधार के ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट क्लिक करना   होगा ,   उसके बाद  आपको सबसे ऊपर  my  aadhar   का ऑप्शन मिलेगा वह पर आप लोगो को क्लिक करना है  जैसे ही आप उसपर क्लिक करेंगे  आपके सामने ढेर सारा ऑप्शन खुल कर चला आएगा फिर आपको  Download  Aadhar  वाले Option पर क्लिक करना है     जैसे ही आप उस option  पर क्लिक करते है आपके सामने मेन  पोर्टल खुल कर चला आएगा यहाँ पर भी आपको ३ option  देखने को मिलेंगे १ - सबसे पहले आप आधार कार्ड के १२ डिजिट को एंटर करके  डाउनलोड करने का Option  मिलेगा २ -  दूसरा option  में  आपको Enrollment ID (EID ) एंटर करने का ऑप्शन मिलेगा ३ - तीसरे Option  में आपको VID  Virtual ID   करने का Op...

How to apply UP Police ASI online form 2021| UP Police new vacancy 2021

How to apply UP Police ASI online form 2021|  UP Police new vacancy 2021 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTION Please read the instructions and proceed carefully before you start filling the Online Application Form. SCHEDULE Activity Date Date of Commencement of Online Application 01-06-2021 Last Date of Online Application Submission (Including Payment of Fee) 15-07-2021 Hall Ticket / Admit Card can be downloaded Will be announced later Date of Computer Based Test Will be announced later * Any change will be updated in the website. Eligibility: Please go through the detailed notification at our website: the Applicant must fulfill the eligibility criteria for the post as per the advertisement before applying for the post. You can watch this topic video on youtube channel online form in hindi   for more information...