What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization) ?

 Meaning of SEO

When we think about how can we rank our website in google webpage how we improve our website then firstly we know about what is SEO? and what is the role of SEO in our website? and most important how does SEO work? this three question is very important in the term of making a website and also many question arise in your mind related to the SEO so i blog for you and i hope this blog help you to solve your problem and give you a best answer.

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SEO(search engine optimization)

So hear is a answer of all question related to SEO problems.

What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization) ?

SEO Stands for "search engine optimization." In simple terms SEO is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines. SEO targets unpaid traffic (known as "natural" or "organic" results) rather than direct traffic or paid traffic. Unpaid traffic may originate from different kind of searches, including image search, new search, and industry-specific vertical search engines. 
And other terms of SEO means the process of improving your site to increase its visibility when people search for product or services related to your business in Google, Bing and other search engine.

SEO (Search engine optimization)
Search engine optimization

Why is SEO improtant ?

SEO  is important because it keeps the search result fair. SEO help the Google to determining which sites deserve to rank highly for each query entered into its search engine. It reduces the ability to manipulte these results as much as possible, so that the sites appearing for each search are there because they deserve to be there.

Whithout modern SEO, it would be extremely simple to manipulate the search results so that the site with the most links or the most pages-all easily generated by software-consistently ranked #1.
Users trust search engines, and achieving a top spot in search engine site is a credible source. The higher you rank in results pages, the more clicks and traffic your site will generate 

And SEO is cost effective. Competitive industries can spend large amounts of money on paid website traffic.Yes you can still purchase ad space, but if you are working with a tight budget, SEO is a great way to drive qualified traffic to your site without directly paying for it.  

Types of SEO 

There are two type of SEO 
  • On page SEO
  • Off page SEO
  • Technical SEO
  • Voice Search SEO
Type of SEO
SEO types

1.On page SEO : 

On page SEO is the process of optimizing website elements. When you do this, there are certain factors that you need to talk into account. All these elements are something that you can control as an end-user. The aspects of on page SEO are:

Keyword Research 

Before you do anything in your website, the frist thing you need to do is understand what keywords you want to rank for. To do this, you need to do Keyword research. For this you can also use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner and Ahrefs to search for keywords. Once you choose the keywords, you can go ahead and start optimizing your pages for those keywords.

Meta title 

A meta title is an important part of a website optimization and its distinged from the headline on the webpage itself. Its act as a name tag for a webpage that title is display on your browser tag and tell you what page you are on. 

How to write perfect page title for SEO?
  • Make each page title unique every page website should be unique and show should its a page title and   meta discription
  • Use unique target keyword
  • Don't make them too short
  • Don't make them too long 
  • Write for humans not for robot.
Meta Discription

The meta discription is one of a webpage meta tags with this meta information  meta tags web master can brefily skatch out of content and the quality of a web page.

Importance of Meta discription

Meta discription tags serve the funtion of advetising copy it draw a reader to a website from the SERP(search engine result page) and thus is very visible and important part of search marketing, crafting a readeable complaning discription using important keyword can improve CTR of a given website.

2.Technical SEO

Technical SEO related to non content elements of your website.

It includes strategies to improve a site's backend structure and foundation. Technical SEO improve your site and provide good user experience, which help search engines see that the site high quality.

The type of technical SEO
  • Site speed
  • Mobile-friendliness
  • Indexing 
  • Crawlability
  • Site architecture
  • Structured data
  • Security
3.Off Page SEO

Off page SEO involves optimizations to your site that don't happen on your site. These are external factors that influence your site's performance.
One of the biggest off page SEO factors is social media sharing.When you share your content links on your social profiles, you have the potential to earn links for your page. People start share your link on their own profiles and help drive traffic to your page. Driving relevant traffic to your page can help improve your site's ranking.

4.Voice search SEO

In present time one of the newest types of SEO optimizations is voice search. Voice Search SEO has become one of the most popular ways to conduct searches. With device like Alexa, Google home, and Siri, Voice search will continue to grow. 
When you optimize for voice search SEO, you must optimize to deliver information quikly. 
Voice search SEO requires Optimizing for right keywords. 

SEO type
On page SEO, Off page SEO

List of the SEO Tools to Improve your Marketing 

Check out our list of SEO tools which are free, fast and easy to use. I hope this information help you to find best SEO tools and improve your website:

SEO tool
Free SEO tools

  1. Google Pagespeed insights
  2. Ahrefs Webmaster Tools
  3. Answer the Public
  4. Google Analytics
  5. Google Search Consule 
  6.  Ahref's Blacklink Checker
  7. Google Ads Keyword Planner
  8. Google Trends
  9. Ahrefs' SEO toolbar 
  10. Moz Local Listing Score
  11. Yoast SEO
  12. SimilarWeb
  13. SERP robot
  14. XML sitemaps
  15. Robots.txt Generator
  16. Copyscape
  17. Google Alerts
  18. Exploding Topics
  19. Keyword Surfer
  20. Google Mobile-Friendly Test
  21. Website Authority Checker
  22. SEOWorkers Analysis Tool
  23. Ubersuggest
Best SEO tools
Best SEO tools



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